
crack up是什么意思翻译

crack up

vt. 撞毁(赞扬, 衰退, 突然大笑起来)


Suddenly, without warning the plane seemed to crack up as it was about to take off.


Cyril is going to crack up If he doesn't stop working so hard.


You'll crack up if you go on working so hard.


He was simply not the genius he was cracked up to be.


1. 撞坏

The plane went out of control and cracked up.


2. 垮掉, 精神崩溃

He cracked up after his wife left him.

在他太太离开后, 他就崩溃了。

If you do not rest you'll soon crack up.

要是你不休息, 很快会垮下来的。

crack up

vt. 撞毁(赞扬, 衰退, 突然大笑起来)


Suddenly, without warning the plane seemed to crack up as it was about to take off.


Cyril is going to crack up If he doesn't stop working so hard.


You'll crack up if you go on working so hard.


He was simply not the genius he was cracked up to be.


1. 撞坏

The plane went out of control and cracked up.


2. 垮掉, 精神崩溃

He cracked up after his wife left him.

在他太太离开后, 他就崩溃了。

If you do not rest you'll soon crack up.

要是你不休息, 很快会垮下来的。

crack upcrack up
1.翻译:破裂; (使)撞毁The airplane cracked up in landing.那架飞机着陆时撞毁了。John cracked up his car.约翰把自己的车撞毁了。
2.翻译:(体力、精力等)垮掉, 衰退Pressure of life caused him to crack up.生活的压力使他身体垮了。
3.翻译:〈非正〉夸奖, 吹捧You should have heard them cracking him up!你真该听听他们对他是如何吹捧的。He is not so clever as he has been cracked up to be.他并不像某些人吹捧的那样聪明。
4.翻译:变干After the hot dry summer, the soil is cracking up.燥热的夏天过后, 土地在龟裂。

crack up
1.翻译:撞坏,撞毁:The airplane cracked up in landing.这架飞机在着陆时坠毁。
2.翻译:(身体或精神上)垮掉,崩溃:If you go on working like this you're bound to crack up sooner or later.如果你继续这样干下去,你的身体早晚要搞垮。
3.翻译:[口语]赞美;吹捧:He cracked up Jordan to the stars.他把乔丹捧上了天。
4.翻译:[口语](使)捧腹大笑,放声大笑,大笑不止;失声痛哭:That story really cracked me up.那个故事真使我捧腹大笑。

见:crack: crack up

crack up

名词 crack up:

a mental or physical breakdown

同义词:breakdown, crack-up

动词 crack up:

suffer a nervous breakdown

同义词:crack, crock up, break up, collapse

rhapsodize about

laugh unrestrainedly

同义词:break up